Review: The Fault In Our Stars


*So I wrote this pretty much straight out of coming out of the cinema when I saw the film on the 19th of June, but haven’t been able to post it up until now due to moving from a house to a flat and lack of internet, so it’s a bit late, but here it is!*

Okay, so I’m writing this fresh out of the cinema with my red cheeks and my eyes still puffy and sensitive, but it needs to be done. What a film. I’m not even too sure where to start with this one, but I’ll give it ago. I’ve been waiting for this film for years, much like other lovers of John Green’s amazing novel. Well, it was worth the wait. It is hard when you have an emotional attachment to the book not to compare it to the film. It’s almost automatically imprinted in your mind to be aware of the adaptation. But in this case, the film is almost symmetrical. Of course there are going to be some bits missing from it, its impossible to cram everything into a film, but what is there is stunning. It’s almost as if the film makers have lifted the story directly from the book, and simply brought it to life. The setting, actors, dialogue, everything is amazing. I know you shouldn’t throw around the word perfect too much, but in this case, I really, really thought it was.

All of my expectations were met and more. I also fell in love with Shailine Woodley, she gives an amazing performance as Hazel and I need to see more of her films right now! I don’t think with this film that you really need to read the book before either. There are of course extra small details that only people who have read it would pick up on, and you get more of the narrative from the book and more from Hazel’s character but other than that, the film really follows the written version closely enough in all the main events and scenes. However, having read the book, I felt it made me cry more during the movie purely because I knew what was going to happen and was just waiting for it.

It is of course, really really sad. Whilst it has its funny moments, it matches that with its sad moments and tissues are an absolute must. I would also definitely not suggest this film to anyone going on a first, second or even third date. If you’re going to watch this film with your other half, or a friend I’m going to say you should be comfortable with each other because it will make you do the ugly kind of crying, and you’ll give yourself a tension headache trying to fight those tears!

The film also pays attention to John Green’s beautiful writing, effortlessly bringing them to life with the use of Hazel’s voice over, as well as a few lines from Gus, which for me, just added to the experience even more, making it even more beautiful.  

tumblr_myrzmpPOk81rpfvalo1_500 But the thing I liked most about the film, is that it stayed very close to the books main morals (from my own reading) and portrayed them through it. It’s not just a film about ‘cancer’, its about how these young people are dealing with cancer, in their own lives. How they are normal people trying to have as much of a normal life as they can. It makes you appreciate the people you have in your life more. It lets you put yourself in the film, and makes you need everyone you love around you. These characters are portrayed with such an effortless normality that you genuinely forget that you are watching a film. Much like I forgot I was reading a book when I read it. The film is such a beautiful story, that it needs to be shared. The relationship between Gus and Hazel is so realistic as well, there isn’t the dramatic argument that couples in these films so regularly have. And I liked that, I liked that these were two normal people who had a mostly normal (to a point) relationship. The film blends the beautiful roller coaster experience that you get with the book perfectly; one minute you’re crying, the next your laughing through your tears.

It truly is a beautiful piece of cinema that is easy to fall in love with, and like Gus says; “I know that love is just a shout into the void” but I’m going to be shouting about this film for years.