Netflix Find: Safety Not Guaranteed


I always find from time to time that my Netflix account can be a little overwhelming. It has such a huge selection of films, some that I’ve seen, others that I’ve heard of, and some that are completely brand new to me. It’s kind of like a friend saying, “you pick” and you scan their collection, asking them various questions about their thoughts on the film in your hand. Only with Netflix, it’s just you and the remote and occasionally google. So I thought I’d set up a little feature where I can share the little Netflix gems that I’ve found through searching and watching the random films you might have skipped!  Think of it as a mini recommendation, as opposed to a proper review! Of course, if you don’t have a Netflix account, don’t worry, I’ll let you know if the film is worth purchasing at the end of the mini review!

I stumbled across this little film due to it being in one of my favourite categories, ‘Critically acclaimed’ I’ve seen a few of the films in this category, such as 50/50, and so the play button was pressed. It sounded a bit random and different, and slightly out of mine and my boyfriend’s usual comfort zone, but hey, this is what Netflix is for right?

Safety Not Guaranteed is directed by Colin Trevorrow and is basically about a reporter for a magazine, who stumbles across an ad for someone looking for a partner to go back in time with them. The reporter rallies up two interns, and the three of them try and work out what this guy is about in order to produce an article about him and his time travelling antics. The film is also produced by the guys who brought us Little Miss Sunshine, so if you liked that, there is a good chance you will like this as well!

Without giving too much away, the film is really fresh and really funny. It deals with the concept of time and time travel in a really sophisticated way that isn’t too overly cheesy. It’s not about being able to go back in time to revisit history or alter a life changing event, its more about what point in your life you would go back to if you could, what would you change? I love films that do this, that let you as the audience slip yourself into the narrative and give you space to answer the questions in the film yourself.

It’s witty, feel good, adventurous, a bit mysterious and unlike anything I’ve really seen before, much like I felt when I first saw Little Miss Sunshine. Is it worth a watch? Definitely! I really, really enjoyed it. Is it worth a buy? I would, but I’m not in a rush to seeing as its chilling on my Netflix!